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“The criminal justice system of sexual offenses are considered especially interesting. In New York, targeted detectives who investigate these vicious girls who are members of an elite cohort called “The ad hoc group of victims.” Solutions and emotional apavyadannizfranchise NBC Law and Order record the life and crimes of the elite units of the special services of police of New York. Law Order: Special Unit for victims has been established producer Dick Wolf Emmy. SVU celebrated its 200th yepizod in April 2008. Although the group “Act and order: special victims” nositsnazvabrand “law and order”, a new program to establish a strong and unique identity. He established himself as a blow. In the seasons 2002-2003 and 2003-2004,. The series resulted to 20 th. Marisco Hargitay won a Golden Globe and an Emmy each for its refutation. AliviyaBenson. He also wonplay to win Amy’s stellar star Amanda Plummer, Leslie Caron, Cynthia Nixon, Ellen Burstyn and Al-Margaret.Populyarnost series was recognized by the award winning People’s Choice Awards, awards for drawing awards for drawing, the Satellite awards and awards for televiziynyyagidy with nominationa new favorite drama after Det. Elliot Stabler, a veteran unit that was seen, and his partner, Olivia Benson, whose difficult past is the reason for joining the unit. The captain controls the team. Donald Craig. Heavy, but that is difficult to Craig padtrymlivaepadyhodTeam leads the team reasons to cause the problems that they face every day. takzhepoyavlyaetsya in Det. John Munch, a transfer from Baltimore slaughter units, which caused him atserbicheskie disaster narrative theory and investigative skills navulitsy. Munch connected to Det. OdafinTutuola, whose unique sense of humor and an investigator of experience make it a great game 13 major changes in the team. Dat. He left Stabler and replace the two detectives in his stead. Dr. Huang is also started. Dat. Nick Amari brings compassion for yagoprychynah that bothers stressful homelife. Dat.Voodushevlenie invasion and Amanda Rollins help her family affairs, but her secretaries can analyze career. Various Lanser DA presented the main committee Michael Cutter, and QAA returns Casey Novak constant padtrymkayad Alexandra Cabot ADA, to put an end to the intensity:17-18 season Marisco Hargitay, Kelli Giddish, Ice T, Peter Skanavino, Ral EsparzaSeason 16 Marisco Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Ice T, Peter Skanavino, RAL EsparzaSeyson 15 Marisco Hargitay, Danny Pino, KelliGiddish, Richard Pelzer, Ice T , Ral Esparza and MaryshkaHargitey Dann FlorekSeason 13-14, Danny Pino, Giddish, Richard Pelzer,Ice T, and Meloni Dann FlorekSeason 12 Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Ice-T, Wong, Tamara Tunie and Dann FlorekSeason 11 Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Ice-T, Stephanie March, Wong, Tamara Tunie and Dann FlorekSeason 10 Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Ice-T, Michaela McManus, Wong, Tamara Tuni, Dan FlorekSeyson 9 KristoferMeloni,Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Diane Neal, Ice-T, Adam Beach, Wong, Tamara Tunie and Dann Meloni FlorekSeason 7-8, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Diane Neal, Ice T, Wong, Tamara Tunie, and Meloni Dann FlorekSeason 6 , Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Diane Neal, Ice-T, Wong, Meloni Dann FlorekSeason 5, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, StephanieMarch, Diane Neal, Ice T, Wong and Christopher Meloni Dann FlorekSeason4, Marisco Hargitay, Richard Belzer, StefaniKon, Ice-T, Wong, and Meloni Dann FlorekSeason 2-3, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Stephanie March, Ice-T, and Chris Meloni Dann FlorekSeason 1, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Pelzer, Michelle Hurd, Broadcasting Dann and history Florek NBC: September2012 to the present time among 9:00 E / PJanuary 2011 to May 2012 on Wednesday at 10:00 E / September 2010 to December 2010, on Wednesday at 9:00 E / PMarch 2010 to May 2010, Wednesday yn10: 00 E / From September 2009 to March 2010 among at 9:00 E / September 2003 to May 2009. godaAvtorak 10: 00E / PJanuary 2000 to May 2003Friday at 10:00 E / September 1999 to November 1999 Monday at 9:00 pm E / PL O: SVU Showrunners: Michael Chernuchin Seasons 19 Rick Eid Season 18 Lyuvud Leith Seasons 13-17 Neil Baron Robert Seasons 2-12 Palm silence Season 1
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