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WinRAR is an advanced program for data compression, which supports various formats including RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip. It allows you to create, organize and manage archives in a comfortable and quick.
Feature richer stacking
– Using a complex algorithm kompresijasozdavasmall archives, saving disk space and enabling faster file sharing. Audio and graphic files archiving enjoy special algorithm that makes compromises kualitas.Ini including Windows Explorer shortcuts for easy access and maintain drag ipushtanje as well.
-WinRAR also provides possibilities to split archives into several volumes; In this way, a large archive is divided into smaller, making it the perfect way to share large files.
advanced security and ease of use
– If you want to zashtitidatoteki, you can alwaysTo protect your data with a password, while the Repair function is useful when you try daremont damaged archives.
– In addition to faktabahwa not much when it comes to file compression WinRAR also integrates specific features that you dozvoluvaatda manipulate archiveswith just one click. You can back up files that are on your way to be compressed, you can test the archived files and can even run a scan for viruses before decompressing not expose the data stored computer at risk.
quicklyand effective compression
– During our tests, the compression process and dekompresiяRaboti very quickly, and that should happen in Andakasus too, at least if your computer is able to handle the task.
– The only problems that satellites becoming operational experience are closely linkedwith hardware resources such as working with 3 or 4 archives at the same time can be a bit overwhelming for slower computers.
Large common package
– All in all, WinRAR remains the industry standard in the category of compression. It allows you to spraviso format kompresiraneNaй popularuse of a unified interface and at very high speeds provided by the complex engine hidden bawahtudung.
– WinRAR undoubtedly come up with one of the newest functionality currently on the market and although not offering free, he remains edenod leading compression tool which caninstall of Windows.
What’s new in version Winrar: What’s new version:
1. Name coding submenu Options menu lets you choose
encoding names faйlovearhivirani. This choice affects the archive
Surfing extraction command. You can use the keys Ctrl + E
shortenedway to access this menu quickly.
I tdapat useful when unpack the archive without Unicode file names.
For example, unzip the ZIP file name archived with China
Windows of Russia, defined as the language for non-Unicode
2. AkoRAR sound recovery (REV files) that are located in the same folder
howusual volume RAR, test the archive command verify oborotitesъdъrzhanie
after completion of the test Rar files.
If you want to test only ob .rar file without checking the volume,
You can izbereteob file in the file list in WinRAR danberlaku Test
for them orpath:
at the command line.
3. While NTFS file system allows filenames with spaces
point, many Windows programs fail to deal with such names
exactly. If the election of potentially incompatible names
voAdvanced page dialogue extraction isoff, removing WinRAR
expanse point, if any, file name, when excavations.
This option is off by default.
RAR command line also eliminates the space and the point where excavations
kalausaklar -oni specified if nee.
4. Atomix VirtualDJ 8
Previous Synchronizearchive content update mode
(-like Command Line switch) is abolished, if any folder archiving
can not be read. WinRAR now resume its operation
and maintain proper folder archive file readable.
5. WinRAR Shift + Del izbrishetekomanda can be used for daiztrietefolder
containing standard file names with spaces and points.
Usually deleting recycle bin, and Shift + Del in the previous WinRAR
version can not delete the folder.
No sepertiDel Command, Shift + Del to permanently delete files,
they moved lays in the trash. No additional instructionsThey were issued
to file read-only and system attributes.
6. You can drag a folder from the folder tree panel and drop them into
Desktopkopirane program or by others or removed. Pull archive
icon prozorecotna underlying wood to remove the entire archive.
7. New buttonfolder dialog extraction proposed a new folder name
based on the file name is generic New Folder.
8. Version RARinformasi command line:
a) if crossing -iver stated, RAR displays the version number
and stopped. You can zapochnetesamo RAR -iver;
b) x86 or x64 displaysin Windows RAR version information
-iver good for the title, reserved for another command.
9. If -p option is used without the optional parameter,
password can be set and transfer files or pipes.
For example: RAR Dr. MyFiles
10. RAR command line treatment ” Like ”
if ‘no’ # RAR “there.
ofFor example, it diperbolehkanuntuk Escape:
begin extraction
11. Improved support for 7z archives:
a) Status Solid properly detected and reported for 7z archives
in WinRAR command Info;
b) size of the dictionary is displayed LZMA and LZMA2 7z archives
in komandniяWinRAR Info;
c) not known packaged amount of7z file molded block denoted
as “?” instead of “0” when viewing the contents of the archive in WinRAR.
12. The maximum length a comment for RAR archives increase 64-256 KB.
Because SFXperintah scripts stored in the archive comment,
enables longer primary and license text SFX archives.
13.Goleminatathe default font that WinRAR viewer’s scale correctly
mode high DPI Windows.
14. Switch -scul can be used for processing a short UTF-16registrirate file
Also provided are true byte order mark.
Earlier he allows only a small list shortcut file.
15.Minimalnaheld versions of Windows XP SP3 now.
WinRAR will not run on Windows XP without service packs.
16.Pengaturan list / File / enable all key names option is removed.
This option is designed to simplify the transition from MS DOS, to
Windows and is no longer required.
17 bugs fixed:
a) WinRAR x64 Compressand email commands do not work
sMicrosoft Outlook 64;
b) version of WinRAR or right to left languages
installed on Windows with English or other languages shall not be eligible
systems language lev, WinRAR can change Windows Explorer
schedule of right to left;
c) if the archive is stored difolderbez written permission
andif the contents of the archive are extracted by dragging and dropping
written folder, WinRAR granting undue privilege
rapid ascent.
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